Welcome to The Stabilisation Academy

My quick back story...

Hi I am Tracy Cooke and I am an injury and rehab Podiatrist and teacher withĀ 28 yearsĀ of clinical and teaching experience.Ā 

What made me change the way I approached exercise prescription, classes, falls prevention and rehab ?

I was gettingĀ frustrated over and over with each client not improving with theĀ usual "gold standard" one size fits all orthotics and calf raises- short foot -alphabet formula.

My clients were compliant and doing the exercises exactly as I wanted them to thanks to my teaching training, but sometimes they did not improve and went on to the next health professional seeking answers toĀ WHY they had the issues and why were they not improving?

I found the answers thatĀ may help you too ...


I decided to explore different treatment options across multiple professions, determined to findĀ easier, less challenging approaches that would be more effective for my clients/patients.


My clinical and educational experiences have enabled me to develop some valuable assessments, approaches and exercises to simple and complexĀ  balance, stability, mobility and strength issues of foot, ankle, and lower extremity.

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I am really passionate about whole body health and movement.

I do not believe in band-aid fixes, short term treatment and a one sized fits all approach to rehabilitation.

What makes me so unique and special isĀ that I have a good understanding of global movement, kinematics and biomechanics, basically - how the rest of the body moves in relation to the foot.
I have applied all of these processes day in and day out, seeing what works, what doesn't work, seeking feedback from my clients on all aspects of their experiences, so now I can pass this all on to you :)
Let's Work Together

Experience and Qualifications ...

Here's a summary of my health and teaching experience and qualifications:

  • 25+ years workingĀ in private practice, community health, hospitals and aged care.
  • 30 + years of teaching primary, secondary and adult education, classroom, small group and individuals.
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Podiatry)
  • Diploma of Education
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Certified Clinical Practitioner in Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation
  • CertifiedĀ Exercise TrainerĀ in Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation
  • GRIP Approach (Global Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention) Upper and Lower Global Performance
  • Fascial Manipulation Level One
  • Loves ā€“ My family, friends, dog, coffee, distilling, BBQing, gardening, AFL,Ā  laughing, learning, andĀ enabling active people to remain active throughout life, for life.

Enjoy taking a look around my site, or book a time and let's start talking.

Lets Get Started